
Discuss the importance of securing advance directives

Discuss the below in a 300 words:

In re Quinlan and the Terri Shiavo case. While the cases do focus on devastating and emotionally charged situations, please consider the importance of the advance directives in such circumstances and how having such instruments available in the Quinlan and Shiavo case would have impacted the families and the outcome of each case.

After reading both cases, discuss the following:

As a health administrator, discuss the importance of securing advance directives at the time of inpatient registration or emergency care.

As a health administrator, discuss how advance directives would have facilitated care in the Quinlan and Shiavocases.

The reasons why patients neglect or overlook creating such instruments.

Finally, who speaks for patients when the patient is not able to make their wishes known? Further, is this, in your view, patient self-determination? Explain.

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Other Subject: Discuss the importance of securing advance directives
Reference No:- TGS01964234

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