Read the articles in the list below or other articles related to professional development in early childhood education (FEAP b.5.b/InTASC 9c.p, 9h.k, 9k.k, 9l.d). Use the online periodical databases available through the NSU library (NSU b.5.g).
Read and provide a brief (one-two paragraph) summary of each article.
Discuss the importance of and need for professional development. State how it contributes to enhancing your ability to support children's learning and appropriate assessment.
•Guskey, T. R. (2003). What makes professional development effective? Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (10), 748-750. Retrieved from 7452?
[Note: You will need to log into NSU's library to retrieve this article.]
•National Association for the Education of Young Children. What is professional development in early childhood? Retrieved from 0Early%20Childhood%20Education.pdf
•NCREL. Teacher discussion of early childhood professional development. Retrieved from