1-Why are business ethics important if we have laws?
2-Cite specific issues you read about in chapters one through five.
3-Who should be involved in deciding what is ethical and what is not?
4-Should religious beliefs or moral values come into the ethics formulation process?
5-What is more important, the customer or profits?
6-Describe the roles of the following stakeholders:
- customers
- shareholders
- employees
- government agencies
- suppliers
- communities
- the environment
- Board of Directors
7-To what extent should social responsibility play a role in business ethics?
8-Discuss the impact on Ethics of the following items:
- conflicts of business
- discrimination
- sexual harassment
- insider trading
- consumer fraud
- lying to consumers
9-Discuss whether Federal Sentencing Guidelines that apply to business crimes are too lenient?
10-Discuss the following laws:
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- Dodd-Frank Act