
Discuss the impact of technology on the communication system

Discuss the following in detail:

The author lays out several action items and practices that can be used to achieve good communication inside an organization. For each of the three practices, outline a scenario describing how that particular practice has been, or could be, implemented in your current organization.

Choose three of the scenarios that you have outlined and discuss them in a short paper. Also discuss the impact of technology on the communication system. Does technology improve or confuse the system?

4.1 Practice 1: Hire, Develop, and Retain Effective Communicators

In a 1998 survey of 480 companies and public organizations by the National Associ- ation of Colleges and Employers, communication abilities are ranked number one among personal qualities of college graduates sought by employers. Work experi- ence and motivation are second and third.[21] Clearly, one of the reasons why com- munication skills are so important is that these skills are essential for facilitating or- ganizational change. A less obvious reason why good communicators are essential is that these individuals understand how to design and enhance the communication systems within an organization so that information flows more effectively. For example, Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones argue that effective leaders "communicate with care." Communicating with care means that the leaders choose their channels of communication strategically, tailor their message to the aims of the change initiative, authentically disclose intimate details when appropriate, and are very sensitive to the pace and timing of their communications.[22] Clearly, any employee with this subtle set of skills is a rare and valuable human resource, and the organization does well to enhance this skill set in as many individuals as pos- sible, since their skill can be leveraged into improved communication systems for the entire organization.

4.2 Practice 2: Invest in Information Technologies and Experiment With New Formats

The number one capital investment for most organizations is in information tech- nologies; the primary new means of communicating within organizations. By some accounts, information technologies account for 35% to 50% of all business capital investment in the United States.[23] There are several obvious reasons for this high level of investment-the clear benefits of productivity gains due to improved in- formation, the transition from an industrial to an information-based economy, and the declining cost of information technologies coupled with increasing capabilities. However, information sharing is the essence of communication, and so effect- ive information technologies are an essential ingredient to making an organization change capable. Information is being shared more extensively with not only senior executives but also with the entire organization. Examining trends in information sharing in trying to understand organizations that were "built to change," Ed Lawl- er and Chris Worley reported that of the five common types of information within an organization, all were being shared with a wider range of employees. The five typical types of information being shared were (a) corporate operating results, (b) unit operating results, (c) new technologies, (d) business plans and goals, and (e) competitor's performance. Interestingly, more than half of all employees in all or- ganizations received regular information in these five areas in 2005; whereas in 1987, only corporate and unit operating results were reported to half of the employ- ee base.[24] Effective information systems do the following six things for an organization to make it more change capable. First, they provide comprehensive data on key pro- cesses. Second, these systems integrate data across departmental boundaries. Third, they monitor organizational capabilities as well as performance. Fourth, they are linked to goal setting and reward systems, which are central to organizational change. Fifth, they include information on customer and competitors. And finally, effective information systems make measurements visible throughout the organiza- tion.[25] Clearly, good communication is not likely to occur without good informa- tion, and effective information technologies are a necessary ingredient to make that happen.

4.3 Practice 3: Talk the Walk and Walk the Talk

There is nothing more devastating to change initiative and overall change capability than for the senior leaders to espouse the benefits of change and then not act in alignment with those espoused benefits. In other words, when the behavior from prominent people within an organization is inconsistent with the change vision, then all other forms of communication are disregarded.[26] In short, "walking the talk" is an essential part of the communication system within an organization. This process begins with the chief executive of the firm modeling the behavior being sought by the change vision. Next, it requires the top management team to police themselves to act congruently with the change vision. And if there are sponsored change agents by the senior executive team, these individuals clearly need to "walk the talk" as well. Change leaders are in a fish bowl, and they must be as if not more willing than the rest of the organization to change their behaviors. As Mahatma Gandhi stated, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Guidelines: Short papers must use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources must be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 1-2 pages.

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