
Discuss the impact of situated cognition on a k-12 course

Situated Cognition

Please respond to the following:

Discuss the impact of situated cognition on a K-12 course when taught face-to-face as opposed to online.

Make two recommendations for improving the course in question (either face-to-face or online) by applying what you know about situated cognition.

Describe which recommendation is more likely to result in measurable improvements. Explain your rationale.

Please respond to classmate:

The impact of situated cognition on a k-12 course` when taught face-to-face is more beneficial than online due to that fact that when learning in person you will be able to hear the instructor and see exactly what they are asking for. You are able to have great notes and see in detail materials being covered during the duration of the course.

You are able to work with classmates and collaborate on assignments. This theory suggests that knowledge cannot be separated from the context or situation in which it was acquired. What we mean here by situated is that learning is connected to a culture, place, activity, or social situation. In other words, learning doesn't happen in isolation from other people or our environment.

We learn in and from specific places and interactions. In a very highly cited journal article, the psychologists John Seely Brown, Allan Collins, and Paul Duguid propose that for education to be as effective as possible, we need to take into consideration the broader context and culture where knowledge is formed. School is, of course, a crucial institution for learning, but often the learning that takes place here is very abstract.

To help students use and fully synthesize new knowledge, we need to situate the learning process in everyday life. In other words in order for use to learn it has to be useful in everyday life and put in real-world context for children to grasp it and learn it. If instruction is only held to just being taught on line students will not be able to engage with peers and develop the skill and knowledge to fully learn and use it.

For example students learn from seeing it done and if they only learn it from reading or learning from online it takes the real-world application from it, and just places it in their mind without experiencing it. Which then puts us in thought of will they really learn it or learn from it if isolated to learn alone with no real example. If we fail to do this, then we aren't educating students in a way that allows them to use knowledge. Instead, students are just storing the things they learn, often forgetting.

Two recommendations I think that can be done for online is applying more real-world application materials to engage students in the lesson and more relatable materials that gives this time period focuses. Provide examples of what the lesson will cover in detail and great hooks to engage the audience on the topics.

Maybe videos and books or articles that focus on the lesson and that are also relatable. I think both are need in order to get the outcome wanted and needed. Having the materials more relatable will create a more engaged class and people expressing more of personal experiences in their work. The creative hook at the beginning of the lesson has to be eye catching to online learners and real-world applied to it so it can reach them and have clear understanding to it.

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Dissertation: Discuss the impact of situated cognition on a k-12 course
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