Problem 1: "A&P" a. Discuss the impact of Sammy's attitude on the narrative. Point to places in the text where Sammy interprets events rather than reports them objectively. What events might be reported differently (or left out altogether) if the story were told by Stokesie or Queenie? b. Discuss why Sammie quits his job. What does he mean when he recognizes "how hard the world was going to be to me from her on it"?
Problem 2: "Girl" (355) a. Consider the structure of the story, the order in which the author presents the pieces of advice. How important is the organization of information, and what does it mean? b. What do you know about the setting of the story? Give examples that reveal and describe it. c. How does the way the girl receives and responds to the advice serve to characterize her? Is she a passive character? Why or why not?
Problem 3: "The Yellow Wallpaper" (64) a. Consider the use of a first-person narrator in this story. Could the same story be told from a different point of view, or would the effect change entirely? What does your answer to this question say about the narrator's reliability? b. How does the narrator's description of the wallpaper change over time? How is the wallpaper representative of the domestic sphere?