
Discuss the impact epidemics are having in the these realms

Assignment: World Geography Essay

Length: 2 pages.

Discuss the impact epidemics are having in the these realms. Discuss either a specific epidemic and its impact throughout the four realms, or pick a sub-region or state and discuss current epidemics effecting the area. Be sure to include the history of the epidemic, transmission, spread and future impacts. In relation to your analysis discuss the following terms; vector, agent, endemic, epidemic and pandemic. Draw a map, and/or chart, to illustrate your discuss

100 Point Essay Question Criterion Points Possible ï‚· Author directly addresses main question or issue, and adds new insight to the subject not provided in lectures, readings, or class discussions. He/She is able to synthesize this knowledge in new ways and relate to material not covered in the course. 50

i. Essay contains a clear argument-i.e., lets the reader know exactly what the author is trying to communicate.

ii. Essay contains an intro, main body, and conclusion. Introduction lays out main argument and gives an outline of what the reader can expect in the essay. The body provides specific examples.

iii. Essay contains a well written conclusion. The conclusion brings everything together. The conclusion discusses an original idea or opinion.

iv. All sentences are grammatically correct and clearly written. No words are misused or unnecessarily fancy. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are always explained. All information is accurate and up-to-date.

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Dissertation: Discuss the impact epidemics are having in the these realms
Reference No:- TGS02392863

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