
Discuss the hormones responsible for amenorrhea the absence

There are four presentation were made by our group. In our presentation exam questions were inclusive. From these four exam questions from respective presentations we need to prepare four proper answers. I need all the answers from these four questions not more than 500 words each. I have attached all presentation with the questions.


PART ONE: Anorexia Nervosa- Psychology and Neurology

What is Anorexia Nervosa (AN)? But why? Explaining AN psychology from a neurological perspective

Part 2 Anorexia Nervosa Complications - The effects of Anorexia Nervosa in the whole body organ.

Student question - Discuss the hormones responsible for amenorrhea (the absence of menstruation - one or more missed periods) in individuals with Anorexia

Exam question- Describe the symptoms of the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa with the reference to the psychological changes that occur in the human brain. How do these psychological changes affect a person's self-perception?


Further, what are the physiological effects of Anorexia Nervosa on the human body? Cchoose two body systems and describe in detail.  

STUDENT QUESTION - Why does eating a particular food (e.g. chocolate) lead to a feeling of happiness?

EXAM QUESTION - Describe the term ‘reward pathway' and what mechanisms are involved. Does food have an effect on the brains dopamine receptors? If so, relate the similarities between food and drugs to these receptors. In your answer, include and describe
dopamine tolerance in relation to food and drug addiction.


STUDENT QUESTION - What are the physiological changes that occur to a person's neurotransmitters with the introduction of antidepressant medication?

EXAM QUESTION - How does depression affect the hippocampus? Is diet and nutritional choice a causative, preventative, and or possible treatment factor for depression in young Australian adults?

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Science: Discuss the hormones responsible for amenorrhea the absence
Reference No:- TGS01377818

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