Assignment: America's Drug Problem
In this assignment, you write a report or create a presentation that reflects a comprehensive program to combat illegal drug use in the community.
1. Discuss the history of drug abuse and antidrug legislation and the impact on society
2. Summarize the various efforts throughout history to respond to the drug program and assessment of each
Watch the following video:
Chasing the Dragon
You are now an expert on drug abuse and the law and the City of ______has commissioned you to create a presentation (written report or in PowerPoint format) featuring strategies to solve the growing heroin problem in the community. You will prepare this report or presentation as if you were going to present to the City Council. This report or presentation should reflect a comprehensive program to combat illegal drug use in the community.
Your report or presentation should address the following:
- Prevention strategies
- Legal issues
- Punishment of offenders
- Assessment of the various efforts to respond to the drug problem in your city, and
- Future recommendations for combatting the drug issue
Formatting Report/Presentation Requirements:
Address the report or PowerPoint to the City of _________ Crime Prevention Control Commission.
Written Report Guidelines:
o Report should be 2 to 4 pages in length using 1 inch margins, 11 pt. Times New Roman
Font, double spacing
o Include Title and References pages
o Refer to the CRJ Resources webpage for APA style guidelines for citations and references
PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines:
o Include Title and References slides
o Refer to the CRJ Resources webpage for APA style guidelines for citations and references