
Discuss the hazards that affect your community

Assignment task:

Natural Disasters: Specific hazards could be tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and wild land fires in Maryland Your analysis/evaluation of the hazard: Analyze and discuss the hazards that affect your community or a neighboring community. Include natural, human-causes, or technological hazards. This may include tornadoes, floods, fires, chemical spills, dam failures, or other hazards. Evaluate how the hazard is managed, including response and recovery plans, community leadership actions or inaction, including those of the local, state, or federal disaster management agency(/agencies), related to the hazard. Consider discussing how community leader's work together to develop and manage disasters, including the development of disaster recovery and response plans. What steps have they taken to protect the public during and after disasters? Consider using information from past disasters involving the identified hazards and include lessons learned related to the action or inaction of community leaders. Examples include failure to keep the public informed about the hazard or failure to seek outside assistance during the response or recovery phases of a disaster.

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Other Subject: Discuss the hazards that affect your community
Reference No:- TGS03236658

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