Discuss the guideline for prednisolone dosing is

Question: Prednisolone oral tablet is a common treatment for acute asthma flare-ups to reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways. It has been shown to reduce emergency room visits and hospitalizations for chronic asthmatic patients. However, prolonged use poses a high risk of the severe side effects, such as, mood disorder, metabolic symptoms and muscle weakness among other problems. Therefore, the guideline for prednisolone dosing is? A. To use the maximum dosage allowed based on body weight for a period of 7 days B. To stop administration when symptoms subside C. To gradually taper the dosage over 7 to 10 days D. To use the minimum dosage based on body weight for a period of 14 days


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Other Subject: Discuss the guideline for prednisolone dosing is
Reference No:- TGS03410562

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