
Discuss the guide healthy gender development


(1) Gender Development Scenario

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the textbook and the guide Healthy Gender Development and Young Children: A Guide for Early Childhood Programs and Professionals.

Gender roles often determine the traditional responsibilities and tasks assigned to women, men, girls, and boys. Gender-specific roles are often conditioned by household structure, access to resources, specific impacts of the global economy, occurrence of conflict or disaster, and other locally relevant factors such as ecological conditions. Gender roles can evolve over time, in particular through the empowerment of women and transformation of masculinities (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2018, para 1).

For this discussion, you will choose and analyze two videos from the list below. Think about how each scenario relates to theories of gender typing.

Choose two of the following videos:

  • Girl Toys Vs Boy Toys: The Experiment - BBC Stories
  • Stereo - A Film About Reversed Gender Stereotypes
  • Boys and Girls on Stereotypes
  • Mom Argues With Child Over Gender Appropriate Toys

Part 1: Based on what you observed in the two chosen videos, what or who do you think influences gender identity? How is it influenced, and what specifically is influenced?

Part 2: Finally, what are some strategies that stuck out to you from the Healthy gender development and young children: A guide for early childhood programs and professionals and your textbook that would be appropriate to use in your early childhood education (ECE) classroom to minimize gender stereotypes. Please cite and reference the strategies discussed.

(2) Social and Emotional Milestones Newsletter

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read your textbook.

As you may have read, skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving "bye bye" are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move (crawling, walking, etc.) (CDC, 2018, para 1). For this discussion, you will complete the following steps:

1. Complete the learning activity for this week, the Milestones Newsletter Pre-Activity.

2. Once assigned an age, access the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Choose the specific web page below based on your assigned age:

a. Infancy: Birth to 12 months: CDC's Developmental Milestones

b. Toddler: 1 to 3 years: CDC's Developmental Milestones

c. Early childhood: 4 to 8 years

  • CDC's Developmental Milestones
  • Child Development: Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age)

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss the guide healthy gender development
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