
Discuss the global business and finance networks



The Russian separatist movement in Ukraine.

The 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia

The 2003 Invasion of lraq by Allied forces

The Russian, canadian, and American tension over the Arctic Northwest Passage

Greece and its future in the EU

Turkey's admittance to the EU

The possibility of a Kurdish state

American and Australian relations with China

American and Japanese relations with China

The Golan Heights dispute between lsrael and Syria

The Senkaku lslands dispute between Japan and China

The Spratly lslands dispute in the South China Sea

Chinese poliry towards Taiwanese independence

The Falkland lslands dispute between the U.K. and Argentina

The North Cyprus dispute

The Abkhazia dispute

The South Ossetia dispute

The Quebec sovereignty movement in Canada

The Sakhalin lsland dispute between Russia and Japan

The Kargil War between lndia and Pakistan

North Korean attempts at developing nuclear weapons

The First Congo War

The Second Congo War

lnternational responses to climate change

lnternationaI responses to the Tibetan independence movement

lndia and Pakistan's struggle over the Kashmir

Part.2  Which Level Should I Focus On?

There are many approaches one can take when researching a topic in lR. Examples of each approach (level of analysis):

Global/Systemic level- Extra-state forces that impact international relations

The gap in wealth between states north and south of the equator

Global terror movements

Climate change

Social media and the world wide web



Globa I religious movements

European colonialism

Human trafficking

Global arms sales

Global business and finance networks

State Level - State to state relations and how each state acts within the international community

Balance of power in the world or in a region



Trade agreements


Dom ina nce, reciprocity, identity



Summit meetings

Arms control agreements

Domestic/Sub-state Level- Groups and movements within an individual state that impacts international relations





Voter behavior


Public opinion

Types of government


lndividual Level- focus on an individual person or persons who impact internationalEl.tion,

Thg poliry choices made by important politicalfigure

The psychological profile of an important political figure

The decision making process used by an important political figure

lndividual citizens who influence policy

The assassination of an important figure

Part.3  INR 2002 Critical Thinking Paper Assignment

ln order to construct your critical ihinking paper, you will need to select a topic and a paradigm (ex: Realism, Liberalism,Feminism, Constructionism, Maxism) that you will use to analyze your topic/event.

You will need to follow the following paragraph format for your paper. You must use MLA or APA format for vour citation of source information. A great resource for help with MLA citation can be found at Purdue University's Owl -htips://owl. eng lish. purdue.edu/owllreso urcelT 47 I 01 I

The tiile of your paper needs to conform to "A Critical Analysis of (yaur topic) from the (your chosen paradigm) Paradigm."

Paragraph 1 - serves as your introduction to the topic chosen for your analysis. You will also need to include a thesis statement that clearly illustrates which paradigm you have chosen, the level of analysis you will employ (you may use more than one if you like) and any theories that you feel help to support your analysis of the topic.

Paragraph 2 - allows you to explain the evenUissue thai you have decided to analyze. Describe the evenUissue with historical background informaiion as well as current implications to the international system.

Paragraph 3 - explain the paradigm you have selected to analyze your evenUissue and why the paradigm offers an important view into your subject. lnclude in your analysis how your paradigmatic choice leads to the use of the level of analysis you have chosen for your analysis.

Paragraph 4 - explore your topic with the use of a selected level of analysis. Include in your discussion important insights gained through the use of your selected level of analysis. Also introduce how any theories in lR may follow from your paradigm and level of analysis.

Paragraph 5 - discuss the implications of any theories in your paradigm with respect to your chosen evenUissue in lR.

Paragraph 6 - describe an alternate paradigmatic view of your evenUissue with possible levels of analysis implications. Explain why the alternative paradigm may offer valid critiques or insights of your own analysis of the s ubject/topic'you've chosen.

Works Cited Page in MLA or APA format - as you discuss your topic you will need to include all sources for your research. Make sure your sources come from scholarly sources such as academic journals, reports, or other scholarly publications and that you avoid such non-academically valid sources such as blogs or wikis. While I will set six valid sources as a minimum for your paper, your grade will reflect not only the quality of your sources but your ability to move beyond the minimum required.

Your paper is due either on the last day of regularly scheduled class meetings or at the final exam. No late papers will be accepted-

1f vou do not present vour paper bv the due date vou will not be allowed to earn anv hioher than a D for the course as vou will have not met the Gordon Rule reouirement for this course Grades for your paper will be holistically calculated and adhere to the following scale:






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