
Discuss the future of post secondary education


During the past 10 years, there have been a number of studies and initiatives related to the future of post secondary education. These studies cover a wide range of topics including: how states address or prioritize career readiness; the possibility of issuing and layering certificates as a means of degree completion; awarding competency based credit; program content based on students' earnings six years after enrollment; loan repayment rates based on employment; and post secondary training needed for jobs that do not yet exist.

However, there are a limited number of studies related to the characteristics of the population that is and will be enrolling in post-secondary education in the next decade. Meris Stansbury's July 8, 2017 article, "3 Big Ways Today's College Students are Different From Just a Decade Ago", provides some insight on that topic.


Read the cited article and provide a brief interpretation of the findings presented. After referencing other articles on the characteristics of the new generation of students entering post secondary education institutions, in your opinion, describe what you believe to be is the most important characteristic of a specific group of students. Consider the entire population of post secondary student admissions as you identify the group you are discussing (e.g.undergraduate or graduate, traditional [freshman undergraduate students entering college right after graduation for high school] or non-traditional, first generation college or multiple generation, first time career seekers or changing careers, etc.).

Provide suggestions as to what a post secondary instutitons should do within the next 3 years to recognize the characteristic you identified and use that information to maximize student success for that group. As you considered the entire range of post secondary admission, so too, consider the entire scope of post secondary education (e.g. pedagogy, curriculum, services, technology, use of social media, etc.) that should be considered in the change process. Support your position/s with appropriate research based references.

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