
Discuss the five principles that govern the arbitration of


Food & Agriculture Field Study: GMOs For the Unit VIII scholarly activity assignment, you should perform some research into genetically modified foods. Go to the local supermarket or the local health foods store and find foods that are genetically modified. What did you find? How do you know, as a consumer, if you are eating engineered foods? Was it clearly marked? Does it matter? Why is there a debate over these foods? Should there be laws governing the production and labeling of GMOs? Explain. While you are at the local supermarket, choose three food items commonly consumed in the local area. Identify each food and where the items are produced - locally, regionally, or globally. How might this impact the local economy? SOC 2010, Cultural Geography 8 Note: If you have an extenuating circumstance that prevents you from visiting a store in person, you may email your professor to request permission to use online shopping websites for your Unit VIII assignment. Since this is more of an investigative report, you response should be at least one page, double spaced, with appropriate APA style writing and Times New Roman 12 pt. font. If you choose to write more you will NOT be penalized.


1. By what means can collective bargaining agreements be enforced? Discuss the five principles that govern the arbitration of grievances under collective bargaining. What measures are utilized in non-union environments?

2. How does an arbitrator determine that a company had just cause for taking a disciplinary action? What remedy might an arbitrator choose if a company did not have just cause? Will the process be different if the organization does not have union representation? If so how?

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Dissertation: Discuss the five principles that govern the arbitration of
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