Discuss the first six theories on the resurrection of christ


1. Swoon Theory: Jesus slumped into a coma, but revived in the cool, damp atmosphere of the tomb. In reply we may answer that it is specifically stated that He was already dead (John 19:33). The soldiers pierced His side with the spear. Furthermore, Pilate himself examined Him and pronounced Him dead.

2. Fraud Theory: The disciples stole the body. The disciples were not trying to prove anything. In fact they were reluctant to believe in Him after they saw Him alive again. Such a view is a reflection on the character of these men. Whatever their weaknesses, they were neither deceivers nor thieves. Furthermore, they would have been seen by the guards or some of the great crowds of people who were present. This theory is refuted by the several appearances of Jesus in which He was recognized by His friends.

3. Mistake Theory: The women went to the wrong tomb. There is no parallel to this in history. People do not forget a place so indelibly impressed on their minds and hearts. Matthew states that the women were there when He was buried. Luke says that "they beheld it and saw how He was laid." They visited the tomb both Saturday and Sunday. They could not be as stupid as this theory would necessitate.

4. Hallucination Theory: The disciples so wanted and expected Jesus to rise that they saw Him in visions. This theory changes every known fact in the record. It assumes that the disciples expected Him to rise, which certainly was not the case. It makes Jesus guilty of deception since He told His followers that He would rise again. The records all indicate that this resurrected Jesus had a body.

5. The disciples recognized His features; Mary recognized His voice; He ate with His disciples; He invited Thomas to examine His hands and His side. Furthermore, if this theory is true, how can one explaining the fact that the tomb was empty? If what these believers saw was only a vision, His body would still have been in the tomb.

6. Objective Vision Theory: God gave objective visions to the disciples to emphasize that the spirit of Jesus survived death.

7. Imposter Theory: Jesus really wasn't resurrected from the grave. Rather, an imposter appeared in His place.

Question 1: Consider the first six theories on the resurrection of Christ. If you did not believe the resurrection actually happened, which of these theories do you believe would be most plausible? Why?

Question 2: In this session, we looked at the seven sayings of Jesus on the Cross. As you read these sayings, try and place yourself at the scene that day. Which of these sayings do you feel would have had the most impact on you? Explain your answer. (These saying are on Google).

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History: Discuss the first six theories on the resurrection of christ
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