Discuss the firms advertising objective and its advertising


Product/service is: GrubHub

MMIP - Promotion and Social Responsibility-Chapters 19-23

i. Discuss the integrated marketing communication (IMC) mix components used to promote the product (Grubhub). (Ch. 19)

ii. Discuss the firm's advertising objective and its advertising media mix (broadcast, print, electronic)(Grubhub). (Ch. 20)

iii. Discuss the Internet marketing possibilities and use of social media in the marketing of the product/service(Grubhub). (Ch. 21)

iv. Explain the role of personal selling in the marketing of the product/service. How are sales representatives selected, trained and evaluated(Grubhub)? Ch. 22)

v. Explain the firm's(Grubhub) efforts at social responsibility, and how it could be more socially responsible. (Ch. 23)

Textbook: Kotler, P. T., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (Custom 15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Inc. ISBN:9780133856460.

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Business Management: Discuss the firms advertising objective and its advertising
Reference No:- TGS03049106

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