
Discuss the film documentary titled the n-word


This forum is available for students to discuss the film documentary titled "The N-word."  I love using this film for this class because it is a hard topic and it is an excellent way to utilize the information we cover in class.  It is easy to say, "I think this word is abhorrent," but ask yourself if the sole reason is because it makes you feel uncomfortable and if so why?  Some say the word is a term which has been turned on its head by Blacks and by doing so it is a symbol of empowerment.  In other words, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, a word meant to degrade and disempower has been reconstructed by those it was meant to degrade. Answer the following and discuss with your classmates: With those things being said, why do you think the word should or should not be used? How do citizens of this country, whose historical foundation is predicated on race and class, grapple with the use of this word?  Should certain people be allowed to use this word or should it be a self-censored practice of not using the word? Do you think the N-word is product, if yes how do you see it used as a commodity? Be sure to tie in, where applicable, information from previous readings (i.e. identity, white privilege, invisibility, etc.) and viewings.

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