Discuss the factors accounted for the rapid growth


Topic: Understanding the Development Miracle

Country: China (please answer the question below)

• China's rapid growth was deemed a miracle

• Its success had no precedent.

• It is also the most populous country in the world.

Issues to address in the paper include:

1. Analyze the GDP growth of China before and after the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997.

2. Discuss the factors that accounted for the rapid growth.

3. What was the role of population in the rapid growth?

4. Do you think the mode of governance (political institution) in China is good forsustained Development? What are some advantages and disadvantages of the mode ingovernance in China?

Note that you can download all the data needed for your analysis from the World Bank website:

https://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators. You may use other data sources like the freedomhouse, transparency international, international monetary fund to obtain some other development indicators.

More information about china:

- Overview about china:

- Data analysis: (if you want the explanation, please click on detail as the picture below)

- World Development Indicators:

Some important Rules and Timelines:

o You are required to cite any reference you list in the paper. Failing to list a reference correctly is plagiarism and points will be deducted.

o Do NOT simply copy and paste information directly from your source for the entire paper.

o The treatment of your selected topic should be thorough and readable.

o Make sure to include an abstract of your project. The abstract page is not included in the page count.

o Check your grammar, organization and typos (points will be given for clarity).

o The required in text citation format should be the last name of the author(s) followed by the year (e.g. Francois (2018)).

o See below for referencing style:


List only those references actually cited in the text or footnotes-the reference section is not a bibliography. Use the Chicago Manual of Style format for all references listed alphabetically by author's last name, then by date with oldest publication date appearing first. Some examples are provided below:

Article listings:

  • Bungus, J. "Revealed Preference among Economists." Journal Title, 39(4), 1923, 162-73.
  • Billings, B. B., and Wanda J. D. Watkins. "The Relative Quality of Economics Journals." Western Economic Journal, December 1972, 467-69. [Use this form only if volume and issue number are not available.]
  • California Coastal Commission. Offshore Drilling Rights. Sacramento, 1980.

Book listings:

  • Doe, D., and C. Coauthor. Title of Book. Boston: Brown and Company, 1978.
  • Doe, D., ed. Book She Edited. Boston: Brown and Company, 1978.
  • Flamingo, J. Flamingo's Collected Works, edited by Jevons Marshall. Boston: etc. . . .
  • Gregious, M. His Book in a Series. Title of Series. Boston: etc. . . .
  • ---. His Work in a Later Edition. 2nd. ed. Boston: etc. . . .
  • Gregious, E., and S. Strange. "Chapter in a Cooperative Work," in Title of Work, edited by M. Sams. Boston: Brown and Company, 1979, 26-40.

Unpublished work listings:

Boy, S. "Her Unpublished Work." Ph.D. dissertation [or Manuscript, Working Paper, or Photocopy], University of Oklahoma, 1972.

Unauthored work listings:

o New York Times. "Man Bites Dog," 25 July 1981, Sec. A, p. 6.

o Blonder, A. "Interest Rates Now and Then." National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 1429 [or Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2], 1983.

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Microeconomics: Discuss the factors accounted for the rapid growth
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