
Discuss the extent to which publicly funded care services


• According to Mies, the exploitative nature of the sexual division of labor is the basis for the unequal power relationship between men and women. To what extent does the Moso community challenge or affirm this statement? Provide reasons for your answer.

• (Beneria, Sen and Pearson give us different perspectives on the impact of women's inclusion into the market economy on women's empowerment. Use their perspectives to compare and contrast the extent to which women's inclusion in income-generating activities has improved their lives in the case of the women in the Mexico video.

• Compare and contrast the role that care work plays in these two examples. Discuss the extent to which publicly funded care services for all would help the wellbeing of these two communities.

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Microeconomics: Discuss the extent to which publicly funded care services
Reference No:- TGS03257202

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