
Discuss the expert panel review procedures at a minimum and

Part A -

Development and Application of Open-Ended Interview Questions, Expert Panel Review, and Interview
In this assignment, you will apply the chosen topics of your interest and a qualitative methodology (case study, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, or narrative approaches). For this, you need to use a list of open-ended interview questions with

Socratic follow-up options that will provide the required data in thematic codes using the NVivo qualitative software.


Write 3-5 open-ended research questions with 3-5 open-ended interview questions for each research question. Usually, these research questions will focus on perceptions and descriptions.

For each interview question, include approximately 3-5 Socratic follow-up questions (applicable to any interview question) to elicit responses that can be evaluated and coded. After receiving feedback from the instructor regarding the alignment of the interview questions to the specific questions, conduct an interview with a person (any one of your colleagues, peers, friends, or family members) who fits the population you have selected to work with in the proposed research study of your choice. Take the interview questions to the interview and record the interview with permission.

After completing the interview, transcribe the interview verbatim. A copy of this transcript (a written copy of a taped interview) should be included in the assignment for data analysis using the NVivo software.

Now, write a paper that includes the following:

• An introduction outlining the topic and proposed qualitative methodology.

• The 3-5 open-ended research questions, each with 3-5 open-ended interview questions, each, in turn, with 3-5 Socratic follow-up questions.

• If applicable, include research questions that could be answered using methods other than interviews. Discuss the other methods that will be used to collect data. These sources are mandatory if the proposed qualitative methodology is a case study or grounded theory (observation notes or focus group interview questions). This is a standard section of chapter 3 in dissertation research studies.

• Validation procedures such as an expert panel review detailing the procedures (this will accompany the data collection and will be referenced as Appendix B in your dissertation prospectus or dissertation proposal or dissertation.

• A transcript (a written copy of a taped interview) for data analysis using the NVivo software.

Part B-

Interview Questions in Qualitative Research

The ability of qualitative research interview data to answer the research questions is the foundation for validity of the study's conclusions and applications. Interview questions should be grounded in the literature.

In this assignment, you'll discuss common considerations to generate reliable conclusions from qualitative research instrumentation.


• Discuss how qualitative researchers ensure that the questions they develop for interviews (individual interviews, focus group interviews, or observation notes) are valid and reliable. Your point of discussion should include reflexivity, researcher's voice, and confidentiality in qualitative research.

• Discuss the expert panel review procedures at a minimum and discuss how to find and solicit the panel to assist with research.

In about 750 words, write a report including the following:

• The general and common considerations to generate valid and reliable conclusions from qualitative research instrumentation with a rationale.

• A specific expert panel review procedure that you might use for your study with rationale.

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Dissertation: Discuss the expert panel review procedures at a minimum and
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