
Discuss the existential view of death as a significant

Part A-

1. A basic assumption of the existential approach is:
a. humans cannot escape from freedom
b. with freedom comes responsibility
c. early influences shape and determine the contemporary person
d. a and b only

2. The existential group focuses on:
a. here-and-now forces within the group
b. unresolved conflicts that have been repressed in childhood
c. techniques designed to assist members in reaching catharsis
d. measuring the observable outcomes of a group

3. Which of the following individuals is not associated with the existential tradition?
a. Irvin Yalom
b. Rollo May
c. Martin Heidegger
d. Melanie Klein

4. The central issue in therapy, according to the existential view, is:
a. resistance
b. freedom and responsibility
c. transference
d. experienci ng feel i ngs

5. The role of techniques in the existential group is that techniques:
a. should be secondary to understanding members
b. are specified to bring about change
c. interfere with the therapeutic process
d. imply a loss of faith in the client's ability to find his or her own way

6. Which of the following is not true of anxiety from an existential perspective?
a. Anxiety is the root of most serious personality problems.
b. Anxiety is "the dizziness of freedom."
c. Anxiety is a basic characteristic of being human.
d. Anxiety can often be the catalyst for growth and change.

7. The capacity for separates us from other animals and enables us to make free choices.
a. neurosis
b. homeostasis
c. self-awareness
d. self absorption

8. The basic assumption underlying the person-centered approach is members:
a. are prone to faulty thinking
b. need guidance from an expert to resolve their problems
c. need a structured learning experience to benefit from a group
d. None of the above.

9. A person-centered group counselor is best described as atn).
a. teacher
b. friend
c. judge
d. facilitator

10. The congruence of a group leader implies:
a. empathy
b. respect
c. immediacy
d. genuineness

11. Which procedure is not typically used in a person-centered group?
a. diagnosis and eval uation
b. active listening
c. advice-giving
d. a and conly

12. The key elements of a person-centered learning environment include the following features except:
a. teachers place a great deal of emphasis on imparting information to students
b. students develop responsibility, self-discipline, and the ability to work cooperatively
c. teachers move in the direction of becoming more genuine, more understanding, and more caring toward their students
d. teachers, from elementary school classrooms to graduate schools, discover ingenious ways to help students learn and make decisions

13. The best definition of empathy is to:
a. feel pity for the cl ient
b. tell the client that you know what he or she is feeling
c. sense the private world of the client as if it were your own
d. feel sympathy

14. Clients who participate in person-centered therapy often identify as one of the most helpful aspects of their therapy.
a. being understood
b. their counselor's dynamic and directive style
c. the emphasis on being positive
d. the widespread use of techniques

15. Which of the following is not a key concept of the Gestalt group?
a. awareness
b. unfinished business
c. intellectual understanding of one's basic problem
d. here-and-now focus

16. Which experiment is often used in a Gestalt group?
a. the use of fantasy
b. working with dreams
c. asking members to rehearse out loud what they are telling themselves
d. All of the above.

17. If a member experienced an internal conflict (such as polarities), which of the following might be most appropriate?
a. dialogue technique
b. rehearsal technique
c. exaggeration
d. making the rounds

18. Which of the following is not a principle of Gestalt therapy theory?
a. organismic self-regulation
b. field theory
c. figure-formation process
d. separation-individuation process

19. Gestalt group process provides many opportunities for using to increase awareness and bring about change.
a. past-centeredness
b. present-centeredness
c. future-centeredness
d. a there-and-then focus

20. Transactional analysis (TA) is atn).
a. theory of personal ity
b. language of behavior
c. organized system of interactional therapy
d. All of the above.

21. According to TA theory, strokes are:
a. necessary only for highly dependent people
b. necessary for healthy development
c. needed for children, but not for adults
d. needed on Iy inti mes of crisis

22. According to Robert and Mary Goulding, people:
a. are victims of the messages given to them by their parents
b. are scripted in a passive way
c. have a role in accepting certain messages as children
d. have very few real choices

23. According to TA, a contract by group members:
a. should be decided by the leader
b. can be made in steps and is subject to change
c. is an essential place to begin a group
d. band conly

24. A personal is an unconscious life plan made in childhood, reinforced by the parents, "justified" by subsequent events, and culminating in a chosen alternative.
a. life script
b. style of life
c. life inventory
d. agenda
25. "Don't put your own interests before the interests of others," and, "Don't make mistakes," are examples of:
a. injunctions
b. reinjunctions
c. meta-injunctions
d. psychological strokes

Part B-

1. Discuss the existential view of death as a significant variable in living fully. How might an existential practitioner focus on this reality in group counseling? How are death and meaning in I ife related concepts?

2. What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using a person-centered approach in working with children and adolescents in a counseling group? What concepts would you most want to draw from?

3. Discuss the concept of the "here and now" as it relates to Gestalt therapy. How does this approach deal with both the past and the future? In what ways can focusing on the present moment bring more vitality to a group?

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Other Subject: Discuss the existential view of death as a significant
Reference No:- TGS01155146

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5/10/2016 5:34:39 AM

Choose the most correct one to make the following statement valid. Q1. A fundamental supposition of the existential approach is: a) Humans can’t escape from freedom b) With freedom comes duty c) Early affects shape and finds out contemporary person d) Only a and b Q2. Name the following individuals which are not related with the existential tradition? a) Martin Heidegger b) Rollo May c) Irvin Yalom d) Melanie Klein Q3. The main issue in therapy, according to the existential view is: a) Transference b) Freedom and responsibility c) Resistance d) Experiencing feelings Q4. The capacity to separates us from other animals and lets us to make free choices. a) Self-awareness b) Homeostasis c) Neurosis d) Self absorption Q5. If a member experienced the internal conflict (like polarities), which of the given might be most suitable? a) Dialogue method b) Rehearsal method c) Exaggeration d) Making rounds