We are taking an approach using a (name of research design) with a (High or Low) number of participants over a 5 hour period of time at (Name of Location).
Discuss everything related to the participants here such as age, genders, nationality, status of any type, and how people were selected, such as which sample plan was used. Discuss rationale for why method of sampling will be used and how the actual recruitment will be performed.
Discuss every type of tool, materials, or instrument used in the experiment.
Discuss a sequence of events which would allow someone to duplicate your study. Discuss the exact sequence of events. The research method should be clearly identified. For example, was it a quantitative, between-subjects, or matched-groups design.
Discuss which variables are being measured, such as the independent and dependent measure, (List the specific variables after identifying them) and how the reliability and validity of the measures will be assessed. Which type of statistical tests will be utilized in this study?