
Discuss the evolution of the us health care system and how

Part 1

The most effective impact of investment in health care will come from effective management and policy. From this position, discuss the following:

Discuss the evolution of the U.S. health care system and how both the development of policy and the management requirements have been influenced by traditions and values.

Discuss the influence of the changing needs of the labor force due to increased technology, the aging of America, and various economic factors (including aging workforce, cost of turnover, cost of education and training, and so forth) with a focus on health care administration.

Discuss the 3 approaches to management and policy (systems, critical, and public interest) as they relate to the management perspective in health care.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Part 2

Select a real or hypothetical type of health care organization, and address the following:

Identify the market sector your organization falls into (mass market or niche services). How does the population health approach to health care rather than the curative approach affect service delivery and management in your organization?

Assess common health care leadership issues (e.g., organizational climate, teamwork, coaching, and so on) and their impact on stakeholders.

Discuss the ethical and legal issues that may be found in the health care organization of your choice.

Provide at least 3 suggestions to minimize negative outcomes and maximize the positive outcomes of leadership intervention in areas such as staffing, financing, competition, regulations, and public image.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Include a deep discussion of population health management approach to healthcare and clearly articulate how this will affect the management of the market being addressed.

Students should identify several leadership challenges and opportunities to succeed in this particular niche including change management, ethical perspectives and dealing with regulatory changes.

Students should conclude with a minimum of three suggestions to minimize negative and maximize the positive outcomes within the identified organization and its market focus including staffing, financing, competition, regulations and/or public image

Part 3

Using the same organization from Week 2, create 3 performance standards or benchmarks (e.g., net profit, quality ratings, service excellence award, average length of stay, average percentage of readmission after discharge, average medical error rate, and so on).

These benchmarks must be based on national standards or other successful profiles for this particular type of organization. Evaluate the following strategic innovations that were used to evaluate your performance standards:

Selective contracting

Cost sharing

Managed care

Quality standards

Evaluate the role of decision making by the health care leader for any of the performance standard measures to achieve national benchmarks.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Instructor's Comments:

Student papers should contain 3 benchmarks or performance standards that were used to measure their organization against others of the same size, type, or caliber. Benchmarks can include things such as length of stay, infection rate, and specific disease criteria based on national standards for that type of organization.

If the organization is a nursing home, the student can choose benchmark standards in that arena, like incidence of pressure ulcers and falls.

Additionally, they must discuss how these performance standards will be measured, including selective contracting, cost sharing, managed care, and other quality standards. Decision making by the administrator and follow up including strategic planning must be includ

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Operation Management: Discuss the evolution of the us health care system and how
Reference No:- TGS02459839

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