Assignment: ScenarioPlanning
Nobodycan predictthefuture,but proven tools help usilluminate thepathahead so we are able tomakebetterdecisions aboutopportunities and threatsin an uncertainfuture. Themostcomprehensiveofthesetoolsisscenario planning,a storytellingtechnique thatallowsmanagerstoexploredifferentplausiblemodelworlds,each based on alternative resolutionofthemost important pending technological, societal,orregulatoryuncertaintiesfacing them.
Forthis assignment, you will investigatescenario planningfurtherand prepare aminimumof600wordsonscenario planningin publicpolicyanalysis.
Yourpapershould includethefollowinginformation:
• Discuss the evolution of scenario planning.
• How does scenario planning workin practice?
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of scenario planning.
• Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of various scenario approaches.
• Include a scenario-planning example and a concise conclusion thatsummarizesthepointsmadeinthepaper.
• Include references.
You rpaper must:
• be a minimum of 600 words;
• follow APA style;and
• include a coverpage containing the title of the assignment(ScenarioPlanning),your name,and the university name.The coverpage and the reference page are notincluded intherequiredassignmentpagelength.
Weimer, D. L., & Vining, A. R. (2011). Policy analysis: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). New York, NY: Longman.