Research on the Internet and the University Library to learn more about the Enron case. For example, considerthe book, Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron located in Skillsoft by searching by the book title.
- To locate Skillsoft, click on the Library tab.
- Scroll down to Skillsoft.
- Click on Skillsoft
- Enter the title of the book into the Search box.
select and research one of the following roles in the Enron case:
Post a summary of your research in the Learning Team forum that includes the following:
- What position did the individual hold within or outside of Enron?
- What role did the person play in the Enron case?
- How did he or she contribute to the fraud and demise of Enron?
- What were the financial ramifications to stakeholders from this individual's actions or inactions?
Complete the following as a team:
- Discuss the ethical ramifications and aspects.
- What were the root causes and the impact of the Enron case?
- What corporate governance and regulatory changes should be made to prohibit a future Enron?
Write a paper of no more than 700 words summarizing the main outcomes of your team discussion to the questions above.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.