Discuss the ethical issues inherent in any engineering

Topic: Discuss the ethical issues inherent in any engineering or ICT product design.



This paper describes the manner in which papers should be formatted for papers adhering to the ACS series, Conference in Research and Practice in Information Technology.  The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and should clearly identify the content of the paper.  The text in the abstract should be in style “abstract text”.  Note that the best way I have found to get the styles correct is to copy the text into a copy of this template rather than attempting to change the original file. .

Keywords:  As required.

1. Introduction:

Normal text should use two styles. The first paragraph following a section heading should be in style “normal” with all subsequent paragraphs in style “following”.  These should not be altered. They are 10 point, Times New Roman in two columns.  The only difference between the two is that subsequent paragraphs are indented.

Page size is A4 with 0.8in borders on all sides, two columns with 0.2 in between them.  There should not be a blank line between paragraphs.  If the style is being used properly, the indentation will be produced naturally.

Headings should use the heading styles as shown.  Numbering is automatic.

2  Heading Level 1

2.1  Heading Level 2
2.1.1 Heading Level 3

Headings below level 3 should be avoided.

Tables and figures should ideally be confined to one column but where this is not possible should be located at the top of a page.  Each be given a caption using the caption style (see Table 1).

Citations should use the author date format.  For example, as mentioned by Zobel and Dart (2000) and referred to in other works (Ben-Zvi 1992, Agrawal, Imielinski, and Swami 1993) the process…, etc.

Type    Characterisation
A          Reddish
B          Bloated
C          Swims fast
D          Sinks like a stone

Table 1: Caption

A basic, but much abused, rule for citations is that they should not be referred to as nouns.  Eg. “(Zobel and Dart 2000) talks about” or “In (Zobel and Dart 2000), the process of …” are both wrong.  For further information regarding formats, please contact one of the series editors.

3. Submitting Camera Ready copy:

Once your paper has been amended as required by the refereeing process, the source should be provided to the conference chair as required.  Do not send a copy to CRPIT – this is the responsibility of the program chair alone.  Note that only PDF is the only acceptable format.

Note that if errors in formatting are found they will need to be corrected before printing – in extreme circumstances the paper will be left out of the volume.  The most common errors in using this word template are:

1. Not having the correct margins – they are 0.8 inch all round.
2. Not using A4 paper format when creating the pdf file.

Note that Word being as it is, equations tend to mutate (or not come out at all) when uploaded across machines and thus pdf (or postscript) are the only safe ways of making sure what gets printed is what you wrote.  We thus insist on pdf.

4. References:

References should be in the Harvard author-date format, examples of which are shown below (shown is a conference paper, an electronic source, a thesis, a book section, a book and a journal paper in that order).

Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T. and Swami, A. (1993): Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases. Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington DC, USA, 22:207-216, ACM Press.

MySQL: SQL Shareware Software, MySQL AB Co. https://www.mysql.com/.  Accessed 29 Dec 2001.

Ben–Zvi, J. (1982): The time relational model. Ph.D. thesis. University of California, Los Angeles.

Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G. and Smyth, P. (1996): From data mining to knowledge discovery: an overview. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 1-34. Fayyad, U.M., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P. And Uthurusamy, R. (eds). AAAI Press/MIT Press.

Richards, T.J. (1989): Clausal form logic: an introduction to the logic of computer reasoning. Sydney, Addison Wesley.

Zobel, J. and Dart, P. (2000): Partitioning number sequences into optimal subsequences. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 32(2):121-129.

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