Discuss the ethical and technical knowledge


Throughout this course we have emphasized that the fundraising process should be integrated with other management processes of the nonprofit organization and be related to total organizational development. This exercise demonstrates the various resources-such as people, relationships, information, and finances-that must be managed for fundraising to be successful. To each of these resource areas we can apply the five-step management process: Analysis, Planning, Execution, Control, and Evaluation. To the entire process we bring a professional stance-the application of ethical and technical information to the entire process. Using the Management Matrix in Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, 4th Edition, Chapter 21, "Management and Leadership in Fundraising" as a framework, apply the management process of Analysis, Planning, Execution, Control, Evaluation to one of the specific resources that must be managed. Discuss the ethical and technical knowledge (professional stance) that you bring to this management function.

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Cost Accounting: Discuss the ethical and technical knowledge
Reference No:- TGS03277694

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