Question: This is a two-part assignment. Part A will help you identify the multifaceted nature of drugs. In Part B, you will then be able to identify what addiction is. How does addiction impact an individual, a family system and a community? What are some possible solutions to address this issue? What are the limitations in treatment?
Part A:
Discuss the effects of different substances that can lead to addiction. Select five substances and create a chart summarizing the effects.
The chart must include the following elements:
The type of drug and the class it is part of: For example, cocaine is a stimulant
- Effects on the brain
- Effects on the body
- How it is likely to influence behavior
- Effects of long-term use
Part B:
Compare two models of conceptualizing addiction.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper briefly describing the models. Discuss how they are synergistic, or how they take competing views.
Include a summary about which theory you feel is most useful for helping intervene on addiction.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.