
Discuss the effect that this case or policy has had on the

From your required readings, choose one Supreme Court case or one educational policy pertaining to English language learners (ELLs). In a 500-750 word essay, discuss the effect that this case or policy has had on the education of ELLs. Your essay should address the following questions:
How has this case or policy helped contribute to the academic success of ELLs?
How will this case or policy help improve education for ELLs?
What gaps still exist?
Support your essay with at least three scholarly resources.

Must contain: Court Case or Educational Policy Pertaining to English Language Learners (ELLs) The essay includes one Supreme Court case or one educational policy pertaining to ELLs and the case or policy is described accurately and its effect on the education of ELLs is significant.
Contribution to Academic Success of ELLs: The essay includes an appropriate and insightful explanation of how the case or policy has contributed to the academic success of ELLs.
Improvements to Education for ELLs:The essay includes an appropriate and insightful explanation of how the case or policy will improve education for ELLs.
Gaps:The essay contains an insightful explanation regarding any gaps within the case or policy.
Organization:The content is well-organized and logical. There is a sequential progression of ideas that relate to each other. The content is presented as a cohesive unit and provides the audience with a clear sense of the main idea.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use):Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style):Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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Other Subject: Discuss the effect that this case or policy has had on the
Reference No:- TGS02301984

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