
Discuss the effect of a temperature gradient along the chord

Solve the following problem:

Q: The wing of an airplane has a polished aluminum skin. At a 1500 m altitude, it absorbs 100 W/m2 by solar radiation. Assuming that the interior surface of the wing's skin is well insulated and the wing has a chord of 6 m length, i.e., L = 6 m, estimate the equilibrium temperature of the wing at a flight speed of 150 m/s at distances of 0.1 m, 1 m, and 5 m from the leading edge. Discuss the effect of a temperature gradient along the chord.


Airplane wing with polished aluminum skin

Altitude = 1500 m

Absorbed solar radiation (qsol/A) = 100 W/m2

Cord length of wing (L) = 6 m

Flight speed (U∞) = 150 m/s


Steady state

Inside surface of wing is well insulated, so heat loss from the inner surface is negligible

Radiative loss from the wing surface is negligible

Flight speed given is air speed not ground speed

Variation of air properties with pressure is negligible

Neglect aerodynamic heating


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Mechanical Engineering: Discuss the effect of a temperature gradient along the chord
Reference No:- TGS02003045

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