Discuss the dual motivations of tradition and innovation

Problem: Three authors are required for this section, one from each of the three sections of the course. 1. The major authors after 1800 seem both to look to the past and reject it. Discuss the dual motivations of tradition and innovation in at least three authors studied this term. 2. After Wordsworth declared his intention to write poetry with language "really used by men," there has been a conscious effort to connect with the lives of everyday people. Discuss how, by differing methods, at least three authors studied this term attempted to do so. 3.The examination of social issues is a constant of literature. Discuss, using three authors. *The poems that have been done are easy to note. They are in the course outline. The sections of prose completed are as follows: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice - the first four chapters Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - chapters three and four Charles Dickens's David Copperfield (The reading tour copy) - chapter one George Eliot's Middlemarch - chapter 27 Joseph Conrad's "The Secret Sharer" - the first half of section one Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Ernest - Act One


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Reference No:- TGS03413705

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