
Discuss the divine command theory in detail what does the

1. Capital punishment is morally right because it respects the Eye for an Eye principle. Is this a good argument for capital punishment? Discuss in detail.

2. One important kind of argument pattern that is used a lot in moral discussion is the Like-Cases Argument Pattern. Discuss this type of argument by describing and illustrating what it is. Discuss how one might criticize a specific like-case argument. Finally, describe two of the like cases arguments that have come up in our moral discussions in class so far.

3. Discuss the Divine Command Theory in detail. What does the theory claim? How does Socrates' question to Euthyphro (W, 24) help to clarify the theory? What are some strengths of the theory? Some weaknesses? What is your overall verdict on the theory? Does a religious person have to accept the theory?

4. Discuss the Terri Schiavo case in some detail. What do you think was the central moral question in that case? What is your answer to the central moral question? What are your reasons supporting your answer?

5. Religion is necessary for morality. Do you agree? Discuss in some detail. Give examples.

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Dissertation: Discuss the divine command theory in detail what does the
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