
Discuss the difference btw ancient israelite political

1. The traditional or early Christian interpretation of the OT: its principle(s), methods, advantages and disadvantages. The early Christian (pre-critical) position on the nature of scripture and inspiration.

2. The Historical- critical method; its task and principles. The correlation between the hist-crit. method and Catholic teaching about the nature of scripture and its inspiration. Documentary hypothesis concerning the literary sources of the Pentateuch.

3. The "Fall" story in its Christian, Jewish and Muslim interpretations. What do all these traditions have to say about "the original sin", human condition after the Fall (anthropology) and the belief about salvation (soteriology)?

4. Etiological stories in the Bible (Gen. -Ex.). Examples of the stories that explain the origins of the present human condition, names, customs or rituals, names of geographic localities, ethnic groups.

5. Allegorical, typological and prophetic interpretations of Abraham's cycle (Gen. 12-22

6. Patriarchal stories. What do they explain? How do the ancient Hebrews depict their ancestors? What virtues and vices do the characters (Abraham, Jacob, Esau, Joseph, his brothers, Judah, Levi and Simeon) exemplify

7. Typological and allegorical interpretation of the Exodus story in Christian tradition. Pesah as a prefiguration of Easter.

8. The images of God in the Pentateuch. Biblical examples illustrating different divine attributes (goodness, transcendence, omnipotence, omniscience, justice, mercy, faithfulness, compassion etc.)

9. Mosaic Constitution. Its origin and significance for Israel. Capital crimes. Decalogue. Two great commandments. The concept of holiness. The call to imitate God. Constitution and covenant. To what does the violation of constitution lead acc. to the book of Deuteronomy? The individual accountability before the state (or congregation) and collective accountability before God.

10. Discuss the difference btw Ancient Israelite political system as described in Deuteronomy and the political system in USA. Discuss different roles of Constitution/ Laws in these two.

11. Priests, their duties, the challenges associated with their status and profession. Discuss the role of Aaron in Ex.32.

12. Atonement procedure and its meaning. The Day of Atonement ritual (Lev. 16).

13. Prophet, his status, task and potential challenges. Use Moses and Jeremiah as examples. Criteria of a true prophet (Deut. 18:15-22)

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