
Discuss the data that indicate the numbers of african

answer the following:

Discuss the data that indicate the numbers of African American exonerees in the data presented from the report is significantly different that the percentage of African Americans living in America.

List some of the reasons, proposed by the National Registry of Exonerations (2016) for why African Americans are more likely to be wrongly convicted.

Based on the data provided in class, how do you respond to the "belief" that African American males are more likely to rape white women.

What are the predominate reasons why African Americans are more likely than whites to be arrested for drug charges?

Finally, what suggestions do you have to eliminate these clearly discriminatory practices. Each of the questions noted above are valued at 4 points - for a total of 20 points. Provide examples for each of the former questions. Absolutely no late essay responses will be accepted! You work must be submitted in WORD format only. NO PDF submissions - PDF submissions will be treated as NO submission - resulting in a zero grade. All work must be double-spaced (12 font. Limit your response to a combined 4 pages.

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Other Subject: Discuss the data that indicate the numbers of african
Reference No:- TGS02243164

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