
Discuss the cultures of the children

Complete the mcq:

1. The ideal early childhood schedule for preschool children contains which of the following?

A. Integrated activities within a large block of time

B. A 45-minute circle time activity

C. A specific time for each curriculum area such as art, math, and science

D. Frequent changes in activities so children don't get bored

2. Which of the following may occur when cultural discontinuity exists?

A. Teachers may offer too many treats to the children.

B. Children develop a strong, positive self-image.

C. Teachers may misinterpret children's behaviors.

D. Children learn language at an incredible rate.

3. Which of the following is a belief that was promoted by Montessori, Piaget, and Malaguzzi?

A. They all believe that it's important to first teach the child the correct way to use a material before giving the material to the child.

B. They all promote the "plan, do, review" method.

C. They all believe that it's best if the teacher takes a "hands-off" approach to teaching.

D. They all believe that children learn through play.

4. Shauna is looking for an assessment that will be easy and quick to administer and will allow her to observe a consistent set of indicators. Which assessment might be an appropriate choice for her to use?

A. Analyzed work samples

B. Anecdotal records

C. Running record

D. Time sampling

5. Benjamin plays near other children often mirroring what they're doing. This would be an example of what type of play?

A. Solitary

B. Cooperative

C. Parallel

D. Onlooker

6. Which of the following teachers most effectively addresses the cultures of the children in her classroom?

A. "After receiving information from the children's parents, I make sure that materials, food, and activities are representative of the children's cultures."

B. "Luckily, all the children in the classroom are the same ethnic background as I am. Therefore, I don't have to worry about it."

C. "Someone asked me the other day what the ethnic and racial backgrounds are of the children in my classroom. I told them that I don't even notice. To me they're all children."

D. "I begin the year by having a culture unit. We spend a day on each culture that's represented in the classroom. That way I know that I have covered this important area."

7. Using a KWHL chart, the teacher and students will complete the first three columns of information. The last column, which will be completed by each student, is usually titled

A. What I Learned.

B. How I'll Find Out.

C. What Do I Want to Know.

D. What I Know Already.

8. Which of the following teacher statements is most aligned with developmentally appropriate practice?

A. "I believe that if we want children to be prepared for elementary school, we need to spend our time on academics."

B. "I want to make sure that children are prepared when they go to elementary school. Therefore, I make sure that we complete worksheets each day and spend time lining up."

C. "Children are in my program for only half a day, so we don't have time for play. They can always play at home."

D. "I believe that it's important to have a variety of materials at different levels in my classroom to meet the needs of all the children."

9. Following are four statements made by teachers when discussing transitions. Which reflects the philosophy found in the textbook?

A. "I don't want to waste children's time, so I plan activities anytime we're required to wait."

B. "Transitions in my classroom just seem to happen. I don't believe that it's that important to plan them."

C. "It's very important for children to learn to line up because they'll be lining up in elementary school."

D. "Children need to learn how to wait patiently. This is an important life skill."

10. Which of the following statements is true about stress in young children?

A. Children who experience high stress in the early childhood years develop coping skills that results in a higher threshold to stress in later years.

B. Stress isn't as harmful in very young children because they're less aware of it.

C. While elevated stress can cause short-term health issues, it has no influence on long-term stress-related disorders.

D. Unresponsive care can cause stress, altering brain development and the biochemistry of the brain in young children.

11. Maria is developing a schedule for her infant classroom (birth to 9 months). Which of the following should she include?

A. A short large-group time

B. A daily group art activity

C. A scheduled group nap time

D. An individualized schedule

12. Which of the following statements is true regarding children living in poverty?

A. Ten percent of children in the United States live in poverty.

B. There's little long-term impact of poverty on children.

C. You're more likely to be a child living in poverty if you're American Indian or African American.

D. Children living in poverty tend to have more sensitive teachers and higher-quality instruction than children who live in households with higher incomes.

13. James has just completed picking up all the blocks by himself. Which statement is an example of encouragement?

A. You're a good helper.

B. I like the way you picked up the blocks.

C. You did a great job.

D. You picked up every block.

14. Which of the following statements accurately reflects what we know about attachment?

A. Child care can negatively affect children's attachment to their parents.

B. Children can have attachment problems if they must detach and reattach to several different caregivers.

C. Attachment is primarily something that's stressed in Western cultures.

D. Children are typically attached to only one person, usually their mother.

15. The book stresses that at least some of the materials in the classroom should be open-ended. Which of the following is the best example of an open-ended material?

A. A computer matching game

B. A puzzle of a person

C. A jar of different sizes and colors of pom-poms

D. A game where you roll a die and count that many squares

16. Which statement most accurately reflects what we know about young children's friendships?

A. Toddlers aren't capable of displaying empathy, which is important in developing friendships.

B. Children's friendships are typically very transitory.

C. It isn't important for young children to have friends as long as they have positive adult relationships.

D. The quality of children's early friendships predicts their later success.

17. Which of the following activities most closely fits with the definition of play described in the textbook?

A. The children are divided into small groups, and each child is given finger paint to create a picture.

B. Several children are in the dramatic play area pretending they're in a restaurant. One child is the waiter, another is the cook, and three children are customers.

C. Children rotate every 15 minutes through learning centers where they choose what activity they would like to participate in.

D. The teacher is leading the group in dramatizing the book Caps for Sale. Some of the children are pretending to be the monkeys, others the trees, and one child is the peddler.

18. Tenille is sitting with a group of preschool children at lunch time. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?

A. Do you like apples or oranges better?

B. What are the ways that apples and oranges are alike?

C. What do you say when you want Terrence to pass you the meatloaf?

D. What color are the beets?

19. Which of the following teacher's statements would reflect the Building Blocks to Inclusion model?

A. "I believe it's important for children to learn to live in the real world. I think when we make modifications we only cause the child to have more struggles in the future."

B. "Over the years I've developed a list of modifications to make based on the child's disability. When I find out I'm having a child enter my room with this disability, I immediately enact the list of modifications."

C. "I think it's best to first begin with a developmentally appropriate environment. Without this, many children might be struggling when they don't have specific special needs but rather the environment and activities are inappropriate."

D. "As soon as I find that a child is entering my classroom that has a diagnosed special need, I plan a special time each day to provide one-on-one assistance to them."

20. Natalie has read that it's important to help infants develop self-regulation. Which of the following is the most effective way to do this?

A. Letting babies cry themselves to sleep

B. Immediately responding to a baby's cries

C. Helping babies learn to delay gratification by making them wait a short time for their food when they're hungry

D. Providing less-predictable routines so that babies learn to become less dependent of the regulation of others

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Other Subject: Discuss the cultures of the children
Reference No:- TGS01875570

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