Problem: Discuss the criminal liability of Alice. Statute, Act, Legislation Aplied To This Scenario, And Cases Refer To This Scenario
Oscola References
Alice and David have been married happily for six years. About a year ago, the relationship started to have problems. Since being made redundant from his position as a financial advisor at a leading bank two years ago, David has developed a drinking problem and constantly physically abuses Alice. In addition, he tends to be verbally aggressive and calls Alice names, especially in relation to her being a "bad wife". Due to David's constant abuse, Alice has developed sleep issues, extreme mood swings, and depression. One night David comes home from the pub and asks Alice for money to feed his alcohol addiction. When Alice refuses to give him the money, David reacts in a physically aggressive manner. He grabs her by her hair, pushes her against the wall and repeatedly slaps her across the face. Alice goes into her room and starts crying. Three hours later, when David is back and sound asleep, Alice goes into the kitchen, picks up a knife and stabs David in the chest ten times. Having heard the noise, the neighbors call the police and the ambulance. As the paramedics are bringing David in the A&E department on the stretcher, they stumble and drop David on the floor. While in the A&E David has to wait for five hours before he is seen by a doctor. By the time the doctor arrives, David has lost too much blood and dies. Discuss the criminal liability of Alice.