
Discuss the creation of ldquoartificial statesrdquo during

Answer 5 of these questions with a few sentences:-

1. What does it mean to say that “tradition” is relative? Why is there no such thing as a “traditional culture” today—if ever? Why do many people and groups—including anthropologists—use the word and idea of “tradition”?

2. Discuss the process of culture change, starting with the introduction of novelty and ending with acceptance, rejection, or modification. How does this relate to Linton’s model of the distribution of culture?

3. Discuss the creation of “artificial states” during and after colonialism. Why were they created, and why were they artificial? What kinds of problems did they generate after independence—and today?

4. What is the “world system”? What are its different “levels” or components? What are the entities that occupy each level, and how does the system function?

5. Why did political independence for former colonies not always result in economic independence? How was “development” intended to solve the problem? How does it help perpetuate the old system of domination by the same few powerful states?

6. Discuss the threats and challenges that indigenous societies have faced because of colonialism, integration into states, and the global system. What are some of the kinds of nativist and/or modernist responses that they can and do make?

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