
Discuss the contrasting literary styles

Discuss the contrasting literary styles used in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" and Katherine Ann Porter's "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall."

Write an essay of 3 pages that compares and contrasts the literary styles used by the authors in these 2 works.

Choose 1 of the following approaches (theme, character, or writing style)in which to write your essay. NOTE: Select only 1 approach to outline and write your paper.

A) Theme:

  • Compare or contrast the symbols, settings, and titles in each story.
  • How are they similar or different in revealing the themes?

B) Character:

  • Compare or contrast 1 character from each story.
  • Discuss how the characters are similar or different in their motives, actions, and theoutcomes of the stories.

C) Writing style:

  • Compare or contrast the writers' approaches to plot, conflict, and resolution.

Present evidence from the literary texts to support all of your claims.

Demonstrate a clear understanding of style and the ability to analyze the construct.

Include APA in-text citations and a reference list.

Submit your paper in APA format.

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Other Subject: Discuss the contrasting literary styles
Reference No:- TGS0672611

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