
Discuss the construct validity of the primary predictor


Understanding behavioral mechanisms related to successful reduction of child tobacco smoke exposure could inform future smoking interventions in vulnerable, underserved populations.

Methods. Smoking parents were recruited from pediatric clinics in low-income communities. We randomized parents into one of two trial arms, both of which received a pediatric clinic intervention framed in best clinical practice guidelines: "Ask, Advise, Refer" [AAR]. The control arm received only AAR. The intervention arm parents also received individualized telephone counseling (AAR+counseling). Potential mediators were self- efficacy to protect children from tobacco smoke exposure (3-item Smoking Cessation Self-Efficacy Scale, a=.90), smoking urge coping skills (12-item Tobacco Urge Management Scale, a=.87) and perceived program support (4-item short form of the Partner Interaction Questionnaire, a =.91). The outcome was bioverified smoking abstinence assessed through saliva cotinine (NicalertTM) and expired carbon monoxide.

Results. Participants (n=327) included 83% women and 83% African Americans. AAR+counseling was associated with significantly higher levels of the mediators and outcome (ps<.05). The indirect effects of AAR+counseling intervention on bioverified abstinence via self-efficacy (p<.05) suggested mediation.

Conclusions. Findings suggest that fostering tobacco smoke exposure protection self-efficacy during intervention and encouraging parental smoking abstinence may be key to promoting long-term child tobacco smoke exposure-reduction in populations of smokers with elevated challenges to quitting smoking.


A. What is the primary predictor?

B. Is the primary predictor a measured or a manipulated variable?

C. Discuss the construct validity of the primary predictor. Use at least 2 of the analysis tools learned in class and explain your answer.

D. Is self-efficacy a measured or a manipulated variable?

E. Discuss the construct validity of self-efficacy using 2 of the expert advice or qualitative analysis tools.

F. Discuss the construct validity of self-efficacy using the 2 quantitative analysis tools.

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Reference No:- TGS03240359

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