
Discuss the connection between humans and primates

Discuss the below:

1. After watching Ape Genius (2008), describe the similarities and differences that exist between human and non-human primates today. What do you think are the major similarities and differences? Why are these similarities and differences important for us to understand (as anthropologists and as humans in general). Finally, share something that stood out to you about the connection between humans and primates in this film. Of course, explain why it stood out to you.

Review the below:

nova ape genius 2008

2. Ethnoprimatology

Ethnoprimatology involves study of the human-primate interactions and interfaces. This discussion has two parts. First after reading and viewing this week's materials,describe some of the ways humans and primates have interacted over time. In your answer, be sure to explain what the "anthropocene" is and what it implies for human-primate interactions.

Second, over half of all primates are endangered. Choose one specific endangered primate species from the 25 most endangered primates (see next paragraph for a link to the list) and do a little research online. Then explain what is causing the species you chose to be endangered. Finally, why do you think it's important for this specific species to be protected from extinction?

The International Union for Conservation of Nature publishes reports on the 25 most endangered species. Since their report . is 96 pages long, you may want to look at the Wikipedia page for this report to find a species to look up. Some other high quality resources that may help you are the Jane Goodall Institute's page on Chimpanzees or the Primate Info Net's Factsheets

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Other Subject: Discuss the connection between humans and primates
Reference No:- TGS01998870

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