Question1: Discuss the CONNECTION between bat migration and moth migration in Texas.
A starting point would be this article from the USDA Agricultural Research Service:
Question 2 : Discuss the relationship between the distribution of food resources and social organization in animals.
Question 3 : In egrets, which eat fish, food for chicks is in unpredictable supply within and between years, and is usually limiting. Chicks compete for food. Often one or more chicks are killed or starve to death in this competition. (Loss of chicks is called "brood reduction".) Researchers switched eggs of different ages between egret nests to change the timing of hatching of chicks (adult egrets are indifferent to these manipulations; they just go ahead and take care of whatever eggs and chicks they get). All nests had three eggs and (initially) three chicks. The different treatments were as follows: NOTE that A is the ‘normal' case in nature).
Treatment Timing Result
3 chicks hatched, 1 dayAPART
Usually 1 healthy fledgling; sometimes 2
All 3 chicks hatch simultaneously
Usually all chicks starved
Chicks hatched 2 daysAPART
Usually 1 healthy fledgling; rarely 2
Using YOUR knowledge of the interactions involved in brood reduction to explain why these results were obtained. That is, why does one hatching pattern result in more fledglings per nest than the others? Include any relevant feedback effects. What is the advantage to the parents of laying more than one egg?