1) Discuss the concepts used in defending a network.
a) Describe the key concepts in network defense (defense in depth, minimizing exposure, etc.).
b) Explain how network defense tools (firewalls, IDS, etc.) are used to defend against attacks and mitigate vulnerabilities.
c) Examine how security policies are implemented on systems to protect a network.
d) How network operational procedures relate to network security.
2) Explain network defense/monitoring tools and select two tools to examine networking monitoring.
a) Defense in Depth
b) Network attacks
c) Network Hardening
d) Minimizing Exposure (Attack Surface and Vectors)
e) Implementing Firewalls
f) DMZs / Proxy Servers
g) VPNs
h) Honeypots and Honeynets
i) Implementing IDS/IPS
3) Explain network security policies as they relate to network defense/security with the following:
a) Network Access Control (internal and external)
b) Network Policy Development and Enforcement.