Can faith and science complement each other or not?
Response to the following :
Albl offers several principles for approaching faith and science. Which 2 principles do you find most relevant and why?
How does the work of Teilhard relate to the concept of the NOMA? Would Teilhard be a good example of this principle?
Principles for approaching faith and science - Albl
1. Realize that scientists do not base their ideas and research on pure science but are guided by tradition and intuition as well.
This is apparent in the recent global warming predictions. Scientists who claim to be above prejudice and bias claimed for years that global warming was a fact and that it was caused primarily by human actions. It is true that there were some dissenting scientists but they were typically ostracized from the scientific community and essentially mocked. Recently it has been shown that some figures were knowingly falsified, some information was distorted and many scientists relied heavily on intuition, bias and prejudice rather than on employing the scientific method in a pure way.