Discuss the concept of communication plays a vital role

Response to the following question in 2,000 words:

The concept of communication plays a vital role in Habermas's understanding of critical theory. Explain this role and consider its strengths and weakness.


Habermas, J. ‘Between Philosophy and Science: Marxism as critique' Theory and Practice Boston, 1973

Habermas, J. ‘The Relationship between Theory and Praxis Revisited' Truth And Justification Boston, MIT, 2003

Habermas, J. ‘ The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment: Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity Polity, 1987, Ch 5

Held, D. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas London, Hutchinson, 1980, Part 2



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