
Discuss the change management methods and techniques

Assignment Problem: Respond to discussion post below with reference

Three different change management methods and techniques are the McKinsey Model, EASIER method, and the Deming Cycle.  The McKinsey Model is a seven structural model that includes, strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, and staff.  With shared values being at the center, reflects the crucial nature of the impact of changes in founder values on all other elements" (Corporate Finance Institute, 2022).  This model allows for different departments to act cohesively, and effectiveness of the key elements can be tracked.  The EASIER method stands for Envision, Activate, Support, Implement, Ensure, and Recognize.  This method is to inspire and have the employees buy-in to the changes that need to happen while supporting them through the emotional change, then implementing the tasks and plans through reinforcement of the vision, lastly giving recognition and feedback to those involved in the project.  The Deming Cycle or PDSA Cycle is Plan- Do- Study- Act, which is a systematic process for gaining valuable learning and knowledge for the continual improvement of a product, process, or service" (PDSA Cycle, n.d.).  These steps can be repeated numerous times for continuous learning and further improving the continued success.

The best strategy in a crisis would be the EASIER method.  A leader will start with envision of the goal to get through and deal with the crisis as best as possible, then activating/communicating the vision of the company during the unforeseen circumstances, followed by supporting and inspiring the employees through empathy during the changes, then implementing the plan with teams and tasks are prioritized, ensuring processes are being monitored and controlled, re-inspiring the employees if needed, and if the plan still fits the current changes going on, lastly recognizing the employees involved in the project through feedback and or rewards, and re-enforce the vision that the company set out to accomplish.  This method creates trust through empathy of the employees during a time and feeling of the unknown. When an employee receives positive re-enforcement, they want to keep serving their purpose and achieve the goal(s).

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