Discuss the causes of the civil war

Identify and give the significance of each of the below (in 3 to 4 sentences for each):

1. Hartford Convention
2. Joseph Smith
3. Stephen A. Douglas
4. American System
5. Nullification
6. Dred Scott V Sandford
7. The Liberator
8. Kansas Nebraska Act
9. Seneca Falls Convention
10. The Era of Good Feeling
11. Lowell Girls
12. Transcendentalism

Address each of the 5 questions below (about 3/4 to 1 page each):

1. Thomas Jefferson rose to power by arguing that the all men are created equal. He ran for the Presidency on a platform that promised to extend political rights to all men. Andrew Jackson was elected based on his appeal to the common man and the promise that he too would see to it that all men would receive an equal opportunity to succeed. Did they fulfill their promises? Why? Why not? Be specific in your argument using concrete examples from your readings.

2. The Declaration of Independence, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address all speak to the meaning of American freedom. What do they say? How are they saying the same things? How do they differ? Again, be specific. Back up your statements with concrete examples.

3. Discuss the causes of the Civil War. Be specific and use concrete examples to support your arguments. It is not sufficient to simply say that there was one cause. While there may have been a dominant underlying cause, there were many manifestations of that cause so discuss those as well as the root cause.

4. America is often described as the freest society in the world. How did that freedom manifest itself in the first 60 years of the 19th century? How was it expressed by religious movements, slavery and the opposition to slavery, civil disobedience, and political actions? How do women fit the images of a free society? Mormons? Slaves? Working class men and women? Immigrants?

5. Despite the North’s overwhelming superiority in population, industry, and transportation, as well as its success in preventing Britain from recognizing the South, it took four full years for the North to win the war. What factors, in your opinion, account for the North’s inability to win for so long? Use Simpson, America’s Civil War in addressing the question. Be specific and detailed in your answer.

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