
Discuss the causes and the consequences of the cold war

Each answer should be at a minimum two- three page and doubled spaced. You do not have to cite your sources:


1. Describe the origins and aims of labor movement and socialist politics (Karl Marx) in the nineteenth century. Describe the lives of upper, middle and working class women in English speaking countries between 1850 -1914.

2. Define the concepts of "New Imperialism" and "colonialism" and analyze them in terms of motives, their methods, and their place in the development of the world economy? How was this new imperialism different from the previous European expansion?

3. Discuss the causes of the First World War from a European perspective and what events led the United States to intervene in the conflict? What was the impact of the war on the world?

4. Discuss the significance of the Paris Peace Conference. Who were the key individuals at that conference and what were their expectations? What was Wilson's vision for " the new world order.

5. What were the causes and significance of the Russian Revolution? What was the political and economic situation in Russia for the first five years after the Bolsheviks seized power?

6. Discuss the Stalinist Revolution and what was Stalin's strategy for achieving rapid industrialization, collectivization of agriculture and the use of terror?

7. Discuss the causes and consequences of the Depression? Why were Mussolini and Hitler able to gain power and engage in territorial expansion with such ease prior to 1939?

8. What factors led to the emergence of a popular independence movement in India, and why did this movement lead to the establishment of two states, India and Pakistan, rather than to a single India.

9. Discuss the causes and the consequences of the Cold War? What led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

10. What will be the major sources of conflict in the second decade of the twenty century? In your estimation is there a solution to these global issues and how?

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History: Discuss the causes and the consequences of the cold war
Reference No:- TGS02095430

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