
Discuss the biological and cultural models of race class

1.   Discuss the biological and cultural models of race, class and disability. How did these models impact policy development?

2.   Discuss eugenics. What role did eugenics play in establishing a hierarchy of %u201Clower%u201D and %u201Chigher%u201D races?

3.   Compare and contrast the minority group model and the empowerment model. The authors advocate for the use of which model in understanding race, class and disability? Why?

4.   Provide an overview of the four models that address people living in poverty who have disabilities. Highlight the strengths (if any) and weaknesses (if any) of each.

5.   What is meant by %u201Ctriple jeopardy?%u201D According to the authors, how should it be addressed?

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Reference No:- TGS0775865

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