This assignment has reading and video watching as the assignment. Please answer the discussion questions below in this document and submit in the assignment submission folder located within that day's folder.
Read -
1) "The Biggest Feminist in the World": On Miley Cyrus, Feminism, and Intersectionality
Upon first reading the article, what do you think Miley belives feminism to be?
Do you think Miley is a good role model for feminism?
2) 7 Things Feminism Does Not Mean
What is this article saying that feminism doesn't mean?
After reading this article, which things do you think Miley may be referring to in regards to her view of feminism?
Do you think Miley really understands what feminism is, or does she not?
This assignment has reading and video watching as the assignment. Please answer the discussion questions below in this document and submit in the assignment submission folder located within that day's folder
Read -
1) "Are Technology Limits in MP3s and IPods ruining pop music" (document found in folder), also available online:
Questions: Do you notice a difference in quality between what you hear on your iPod and the way CDs, cassettes or records used to sound?
2) "Why Neil Young Hates Mp3s" (document found in folder), also available online:
Why does Neil Young Hate Mp3s?
Do you think this opinion is unreasonable? Support your answer.
What are 2 factors that might influence source material?
The Loudness Wars
How would you describe the loudness war?
What is it a war against or for?
Do you think this war will ever end?